The cicadas that emerge together in the same year are collectively called a brood. These maps identify the approximate locations where each of the 15 present-day broods emerges. The brood maps combine the data of C. L. Marlatt (1923), C. Simon (1988), and unpublished data. Broods I-XIV represent 17-year cicadas; the remaining broods emerge in 13-year cycles. The maps below showcase the locations of each brood.
These brood maps are used by permission of Dr. John Cooley, with credit to the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut and the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology.
Brood I (The Blue Ridge Brood)
The Blue Ridge Brood occurs primarily in the upland areas of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The present-day populations live in West Virginia and Virginia. Brood I emerged most recently in 2012.
Future Brood I Emergences: 2029, 2046, 2063, 2080, 2097
Brood II
The cicadas of Brood II inhabit a large area, with populations in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Brood II last appeared in 2013.
Future Brood II Emergences: 2030, 2047, 2064, 2081, 2098
Brood III (The Iowan Brood)
As you would guess, the Iowan Brood lives primarily in Iowa. However, some Brood III populations also occur in Illinois and Missouri. Brood III last emerged in 2014.
Future Brood III Emergences: 2031, 2048, 2065, 2082, 2099
Brood IV (The Kansan Brood)
The Kansan Brood, despite its name, covers six states: Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas. Brood IV nymphs made their way above ground in 2015.
Future Brood IV Emergences: 2032, 2049, 2066, 2083, 2100
Brood V
Brood V cicadas appear mostly in eastern Ohio and West Virginia. Documented emergences also occur in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, but are limited to small areas along the borders of OH and WV. Brood V appeared in 2016.
Future Brood V Emergences: 2033, 2050, 2067, 2084, 2101
Brood VI
Cicadas of Brood VI live in the western third of North Carolina, the westernmost tip of South Carolina, and in a small northeastern area of Georgia. Historically, Brood VI populations were believed to emerge in Wisconsin as well, but this could not be confirmed during the last emergence year. Brood VI last emerged in 2017.
Future Brood VI Emergences: 2034, 2051, 2068, 2085, 2102
Brood VII (The Onondaga Brood)
Brood VII cicadas occupy the land of the Onondaga Nation in upstate New York. The brood consists only of the species Magicicada septedecim, unlike most other broods that include three different species. Brood VII is due to emerge later in 2018.
Future Brood VII Emergences: 2035, 2052, 2069, 2086, 2103
Brood VIII
Cicadas of Brood VIII emerge in the easternmost portion of Ohio, the western end of Pennsylvania, and the tiny strip of West Virginia between them. People in this area of the country saw Brood VII cicadas in 2002.
Future Brood VIII Emergences: 2019, 2036, 2053, 2070, 2087, 2104
Brood IX
Brood IX cicadas appear in western Virginia, and in the adjacent portions of West Virginia and North Carolina. These cicadas emerged in 2003.
Future Brood IX Emergences: 2020, 2037, 2054, 2071, 2088, 2105
Brood X (The Great Eastern Brood)
As its nickname suggests, Brood X covers large areas of the eastern U.S., emerging in three distinct regions. A large emergence occurs in New York (Long Island), New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. A second cluster appears in Indiana, Ohio, small areas of Michigan and Illinois, and possibly Kentucky. A third, smaller group emerges in North Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and westernmost Virginia. Brood X appeared in 2004.
Future Brood X Emergences: 2021, 2038, 2055, 2072, 2089, 2106
Brood XIII (The Northern Illinois Brood)
Cicadas of the Northern Illinois Brood populate eastern Iowa, the southernmost portion of Wisconsin, Indiana's northwestern corner, and of course, most of northern Illinois. Older brood maps show Brood XII emergences trailing into Michigan, but these could not be confirmed in 2007 when Brood XIII was last seen.
Future Brood XIII Emergences: 2024, 2041, 2058, 2075, 2092, 2109
Brood XIV
Most of Brood XIV's cicadas inhabit Kentucky and Tennessee. Additionally, Brood XIV emerges in Ohio, Indiana, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Massachusetts. These cicadas emerged in 2008.
Future Brood XIV Emergences: 2025, 2042, 2059, 2076, 2093, 2110
Brood XIX
Of the three extant 13-year broods, Brood XIX covers the most territory geographically. Missouri probably leads in populations of Brood XIX, but notable emergences occur throughout the south and Midwest. In addition to Missouri, Brood XIX cicadas emerge in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, and Oklahoma. This brood appeared in 2011.
Future Brood XIX Emergences: 2024, 2037, 2050, 2063, 2076
Brood XXII
Brood XXII is a small brood in Louisiana and Mississippi, centered around the Baton Rouge area. Unlike the other two extant 13-year broods, Brood XXII does not include the newly described species Magicicada neotredecim. Brood XXII last emerged in 2014.
Future Brood XXII Emergences: 2027, 2040, 2053, 2066, 2079
Brood XXIII (The Lower Mississippi Valley Brood)
Brood XXIII cicadas live in those southern states that surround the mighty Mississippi River: Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Missouri, Indiana, and Illinois. The Lower Mississippi Valley Brood was last observed in 2015.
Future Brood XXIII Emergences: 2028, 2041, 2054, 2067, 2080